Demonstrators rally outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday to protest a proposal to add a citizenship question in the 2020 Census Mandel Ngan / AFP - Getty Images Our country experienced a milestone date in April, as we kicked off the one year out mark from the 2020 Census. It's hard to believe the last Census was taken in 2010. To say it, doesn't sound that long ago, but consider where you were nine years ago, how old you were, what you were doing. More importantly, consider technology and how different it looks today. Even nine years ago, the evolution of social media hadn't come full circle to the point it has today. Smartphones, Tablets, and iPads were just becoming known to the majority of society, but most weren't yet household "givens" at that time, as they were just beginning to gain notoriety. I know, that's hard to imagine today! So, now consider what canvas...
Unofficial Blog of the City of Albertville, Alabama, proudly known as the Heart of Sand Mountain.