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Showing posts from February, 2019
"Who" Is Albertville?  So, "who" is Albertville? You may have been wondering why a random fire hydrant is featured as the background of our blog. It's not like they're uncommon, right? Every city has fire hydrants... Albertville, however, probably means "fire hydrant" in some undiscovered language because they are just about all made right here. We are, in fact, the "Fire Hydrant Capital of the World!" Yes, that's actually a thing. How our citizens and visitors, alike, interact with this idea of a simple fire hydrant that's such a common element of municipal necessity, however, is what has taken the slogan #firehydrantcapital from a positioning statement, to a brand. Not only do we get excited about people staring at us like we're insane as we pose for selfies in random town's across the world with fire hydrants, we buy replica fire hydrant water bowls for our pups ( really ), and even have fire hydrant Christmas orn...